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Number of results 3 for biscuits

09/10/2016 - Crepes and biscuits made of bananas
We can do a lot of different recipes with bananas. We have already seen how to do an ice cream made of only bananas. Now you can learn how to do crepes (pancakes) and biscuits using only bananas.


10/10/2015 - Chestnut Flour Pie Crust
This is another recipe that is made with chestnuts, this time to bake pies. The advantage of using chestnuts is that because its sweet taste you don’t need to add any sweetener, or very low quantity. 
You can choose any fillings you like: chestnut puree, fruit puree, chocolate, carob, cream, …
You can also bake biscuits with the same recipe, you just have to give a different shape with different molds, and add a little more sweetener if you want.

gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, sugar-free



19/02/2014 - Sweet coconut bakery

Coconut flour is a good replacement for grain flour and almond flour. Here you can find some recipes to bake biscuits and cakes with coconut flour.
Coconut has a lot of healthy properties: good fats (lauric acid) that help loosing weight, rich mineral content (iron), antioxidants, help bowel movements regularity, isotonic, and help fighting agains candida and other yeasts when there’s an infection.

gluten-free, dairy-free, white sugar free, nuts-free, eggs-free (optional), Full GAPS diet