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Sunday 9 th August 2015
Salads are the best meal in summer: nourishing, fresh, easy and quick to prepare. There are infinite possibilities, here you will find some beautiful ideas of decorations that you can do with fruit and vegetables so these food become more appetizing and funny. The children of certain age will be able to do some of these shapes by themselves using some special tools, always supervised by an adult, and the youngest ones will be able to do the easier parts of the salad, and everybody will be enchanted with the pretty presentation.

gluten-free, dairy-free, nuts-free, eggs-free, sugar-free, full GAPS diet raw

Sunday 5 th July 2015
This is a recipe for making dairy free ice creams using only dates to sweeten.
With this recipe you can make ice cream of different flavours: chocolate, strawberry, vanilla ... Simply we must choose the corresponding ingredient.
It is also possible to make creams, for example, creamy chocolate like Nutella.

gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, egss-free, nuts-free, full GAPS diet, raw


Friday 3 rd July 2015
Dates are a fantastic alternative to sweeten in a healthy way. Date paste is delicious as is, and it has a creamy texture that it’s perfect to make creams, ice-creams, truffles, cakes, etc. But it’s not the best option for making crunchy deserts, such as cookies or tarts.
From date paste you can also make date syrup by simply adding water.

gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, egg-free, nuts-free, full GAPS diet, raw


Thursday 14 th May 2015
In order to make the crust for pies I’ve used nuts as basic ingredient, simply by grinding them until get a batter like a marzipan. With this paste, you can make different shapes, like a pizza, a pie or small pies. 
These pies are not crunchy, because the paste is soft if it’s not baked, but it’s better to avoid baking if you want to stay in a raw food diet. But it tastes great. And then, children will enjoy making their own recipes adding the ingredients they prefer as toppings and fillings.

gluten-free, dairy-free, eggs-free, sugar-free, full GAPS diet, raw

Sunday 3 rd May 2015
This is a recipe to make raw vegetable crepes or pancakes without eggs. I have used a dehydrator machine to dry the batter. I have used some dates to make the batter stick together. The taste is lightly salted and sweet at the same time, it’s very tasty. You can make a lot of different recipes using different ingredients. The children will enjoy making their own crepes and parents will be very happy to see them eating vegetables!

gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, full GAPS diet, raw, vegan

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