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Gemma Calzada (EN)

Baby's colic and crying

Thursday 18 th December 2014

Gemma Calzada (EN)
Currently most of our babies are born enjoying good health. However, some of them do cry non-stop for hours, sleep little, eat too little or eat too often, have problems with reflux or vomiting, become sick on first exposure to the virus of their siblings, have dermatitis, conjunctivitis and various infections; and we still have not mentioned premature babies and other worrisome conditions like jaundice, febrile convulsions, etc. Regarding the mother, she often does not have enough milk to breastfeed and needs a supplementary feeding bottle, moreover, there may be frequent complications of childbirth and the cesarean rate is rising more and more, etc.
We consider all these problems to be normal: the heart-rending cries, the lack of sleep ..., we tend to say: this is what you are supposed to go through when you have a baby! But, is it really "normal"? Would it not be the normal case to have a happy baby, who can easily be comforted when its needs are met, having no problems sleeping, eating well and growing properly?

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