Number of results 3
for biscuits
09/10/2016 - Crepes and biscuits made of bananas
10/10/2015 - Chestnut Flour Pie Crust

You can choose any fillings you like: chestnut puree, fruit puree, chocolate, carob, cream, …
You can also bake biscuits with the same recipe, you just have to give a different shape with different molds, and add a little more sweetener if you want.
gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, sugar-free
19/02/2014 - Sweet coconut bakery

Coconut flour is a good replacement for grain flour and almond flour. Here you can find some recipes to bake biscuits and cakes with coconut flour.
Coconut has a lot of healthy properties: good fats (lauric acid) that help loosing weight, rich mineral content (iron), antioxidants, help bowel movements regularity, isotonic, and help fighting agains candida and other yeasts when there’s an infection.