Number of results 9
for cake
17/09/2015 - Pumpkin and Date Cake

This cake has a moist creamy texture like a pudding and it contains only pumpkin and dates as basic ingredients. It is possible to do lots of different recipes: with nuts, with different fruits, coconut, chocolate, carob, vanilla, cinnamon, etc.
gluten-free, dairy-free, eggs-free, nuts-free, sugar-free, full GAPS diet
01/11/2014 - Sweet potato cake
The result is delicious, very juicy and slightly sweet spicy.
gluten-free, dairy-free, nuts-free
14/03/2014 - Raw Brownie
It’s not GAPS diet compatible, but for people that has been on full GAPS diet for quite a long time and already feels good, can also have it from time to time.
gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, sugar-free, raw, cake
19/02/2014 - Sweet coconut bakery

Coconut flour is a good replacement for grain flour and almond flour. Here you can find some recipes to bake biscuits and cakes with coconut flour.
Coconut has a lot of healthy properties: good fats (lauric acid) that help loosing weight, rich mineral content (iron), antioxidants, help bowel movements regularity, isotonic, and help fighting agains candida and other yeasts when there’s an infection.
gluten-free, dairy-free, white sugar free, nuts-free, eggs-free (optional), Full GAPS diet
07/01/2014 - Kings cake
Is as easy as making two sponge cakes with a large round mold for baking donut and put between them a layer of cream. Finally, a layer of chocolate is set on and decorated with candied fruits. These fruit will be only for decoration purpose, because they are made with sugar, which is not allowed on the GAPS diet.
For a large size cake, you must double the amount of the ingredients that are indicated in the sponge cake recipe for every cake (so finally you will need 4 times the amount of the single recipe).
Attention, chocolate is only allowed in GAPS diet if enough time has been spent in the full GAPS diet.
gluten-free, dairy-free, Full GAPS diet
07/11/2013 - Lime Pie
gluten-free, fructose-free, raw
13/10/2013 - Pumpkin and apple cake
Squash is very useful in baking when there’s an intolerance to any cereal or starch. It allows to bake cakes very soft. I’ve added apple to sweeten a little bit more.
gluten-free, dairy-free, yeast-free, Full GAPS diet
20/05/2013 - Sponge cake
This recipe can be used to do the base of cakes, muffins, tarts, etc. It’s a spongy cake that doesn’t need baking powder, it naturally rises with the egg whites that have to be stiffly beaten.
There isn’t any sugar, fats nor flour, only honey, almonds and eggs, so it’s GAPS diet friendly.
gluten-free, dairy-free, white sugar free, Full GAPS diet, baking powder free, Seignalet
03/03/2013 - Brownie cake
I covered it with icing sugar and to make words I just melted some chocolate and wrote them with a device for baking decorations