Number of results 14
for vegan
28/06/2019 - Vegan cucumber sandwiches

A healthy and funny way to make a sandwich of only raw vegetables.
21/06/2017 - Watermelon Gazpacho

Gazpacho is a very refreshing entrée dish that is traditionally eaten in the summer in Spain. Gazpacho is usually made of tomato, onion and cucumber, but in the last years watermelon gazpacho has begun to spread in Spanish restaurants.
You can adapt the ingredients depending on the family preferences: the ratio between tomato and watermelon, avoiding onion if the children doesn’t like it, etc.
Watermelon gives a sweet taste and together with the savoury test of the classical gazpacho creates this sweet and salty delicious taste.
16/06/2017 - Watermelon Hearts
A funny idea to make fruit more attractive for kids is cutting them in funny shapes. For example, you can cut watermelons into hearts; a sweet message of how much you love them!
10/12/2016 - Christmas pudding
This American traditional dessert for Christmas has been modified in order to allow the maximum of people with some kind of food intolerances to enjoy it.
In order to make it healthier, we have removed the sugar, the alcohol and we use gluten-free flour, although it’s possible to do it without any kind of flour or eggs.
There’s a lot of different possibilities, depending on your food intolerances. The base of this pudding are fresh and dried fruit, so if you can tolerate fruits, at least from time to time, you will enjoy this wonderful dessert!
09/10/2016 - Crepes and biscuits made of bananas
29/11/2015 - Guacamole

Guacamole is a Mexican dip or sauce that use to garnish dishes like burritos, tacos, enchiladas, tortillas, etc. But you may use it to any kind of dish like salad, potatoes, pasta, toasts, meat, fish, or any dish you want.
The basic ingredient is avocado, but it’s possible to add a large number of different ingredients: tomato, and lemon juice are the main ones, but also you can add onion, chile, pepper, oil, garlic, persil, olives, or any ingredient you like.
It's a delicious dish, very easy to prepare and full of nutrients, thanks to the multiple virtues of avocado.
gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, nuts-free, sugar-free, full GAPS diet, raw, vegan
03/05/2015 - Raw vegetable crepes
gluten free, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, full GAPS diet, raw, vegan
05/02/2015 - Rice and sushi without rice
gluten free, dairy-free, eggs-free, nuts-free, full GAPS diet, vegan
07/12/2014 - Dates Sweets
Dates are a very much healthier option to sweeten than sugar. Date puree tastes delicious as is, and you can mix it with carob or cacao powder, coconut, potato, sweet potato, cacao or coconut butter, nuts powder, banana, orange juice, etc., depending on your intolerances, in order to obtain different recipes.
gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, egg-free, full GAPS diet, vegan, raw
23/11/2014 - Vegetable and fruit chips
In the past it was a way to preserve fruits and vegetables during the winter, and it was dried in the sun.
Apple chips with cinnamon are a traditional food during Christmas time in some countries.
Home-made chips have the advantage versus the ones in the shop that they can be made without oil, so they are healthier. But with oil they will be cruchier. And commercial fruit chips use to contain antioxydants (sulfur dioxide) and/or sugars.
gluten-free, dairy-free, eggs-free, nuts-free, sugar-free, full GAPS diet, vegan
07/11/2013 - Lime Pie
gluten-free, fructose-free, raw
13/05/2013 - Cookies GAPS
They are baked at very low temperature because all ingredients can be eaten raw too.
They aren’t too much sweet and accept different possibilities depending on individual preferences.
gluten-free, dairy-free, Full GAPS diet
07/05/2013 - Nut snack bar
You can find several brands in the commerce, but there are always some non desirable ingredient: glucose syrup, cereals, preservatives, etc.
In order to get a GAPS diet compatible nut bar, it’s necessary to do it at home. Here I suggest you some examples.
gluten-free, dairy-free, white sugar free, egg-free, Full GAPS diet, vegan, raw
18/11/2012 - Hummus
It’s an ideal food for vegetarians because it contains full of calcium thanks to sesame, polyunsaturated fatty acids thanks to hazelnuts, the vitamine C of lemon, and the sulfur and anti-oxidants of garlic. If you spread humus on a rice toast then you get all the essential proteins.